Our Brand

Dominic Zijlstra
Dominic Zijlstra
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notion image
Academic and professional knowledge are growing at an accelerating pace. Learning How To Learn will be the most valuable skill of the future, and those who have this skill will be the winners.
Brand purpose
Our mission is to turn the latest cognitive science into a simple tool which empowers learners to deeply grasp and internalize today’s most complex topics
Brand promise
A science-backed learning tool to master what you once believed was out of your reach.
Mission statement
To build an easy-to-use app which students and academics can use to quickly master what they need to study, gaining deep understanding and a clear picture, so they can ace through tests and create ground-breaking research
Brand attributes
Name: Traverse Logo: see top Font: DM Sans Brand colors: #0094FF, #000000 : • Simple language • Opinionated but open-minded in search for truth (strong opinions, loosely held) • Clear design • Beautiful and easy-to-use
Frame of reference
The only app that covers the whole learning process, from understanding to memory
Target customer
Top students and academics learning difficult subjects like medicine or machine learning:
Customer needs
Gains: • Quickly learning large amounts of information • Gaining deep understanding by visualizing their knowledge Pains: • Overwhelmed by vast amount of material to learn • Lack of time to prepare exams and research • (Perceived) bad memory Jobs-To-Be-Done: • Take notes in lectures • Take notes when reading books or papersOutline all information • Schedule ingesting new material • Schedule reviewing learned materials
Value proposition
• An app which covers all learning needs • Additional guidance via email and website resources • A community to learn together with like-minded students
Reasons to Believe
App: • Note-taking • Integrate study materials like documents and videos • Link notes together • Advanced formatting like code blocks, tables, math equations • Mind mapping • Color-coding • Create any flow, not just trees • Freehand drawing • Flashcards • Optimal spaced repetition schedule • Habit-building with daily reminders • Mobile support to learn on-the-go Resources: • Website section dedicated to learning • Weekly newsletters with tips and strategies Community: • Discord server • Monthly Zoom webinars
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Improve your memory and thinking skills with our science-based method
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