Flashcards - drill or space it out?

Dominic Zijlstra
Dominic Zijlstra
Publish date
Dec 19, 2022
The idea of spaced repetition is to review flashcards at optimal, increasing intervals. Review after 1 day, then 4 days, 10 days and so on. This achieves the optimal retention with the least amount of time spent reviewing.
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But while time spent reviewing is the least, it may still take a while for you to master a flashcard since the reviews are spaced out over time. Sometimes you can’t afford to wait for two weeks or so until a flashcard comes up for review again. For example when your exam is next week and you haven’t fully mastered the subject yet.
In those cases it makes sense to drill down on the flashcards for that subject, and review them before they’re actually due for review.

How to drill flashcards in Traverse

You can drill flashcards in Traverse by going to review options when you start your reviews, and selecting “Also review flashcards that are not due yet”.
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Drill flashcards only when it’s necessary to achieve a short-term learning goal. For the long-term, it’s recommended to stick to your spaced repetition schedule (these are the flashcards included by default when you click the blue Review all flashcards button).
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