Traverse Research

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At Traverse, we are on a search for the best way to self-learn anything. Here we share our research and thoughts.
Our two overview guides:
  1. How to use Spaced Repetition to Master not Memorize (an evidence-based guide)
    In this guide, we evaluate spaced repetition and other commonly used study techniques, and present our surprising findings with respect to their effectiveness, and our recommendation for an effective study practice.
  1. A science-based method to learn faster
    In this guide we present a complete study process based on our research in cognitive science. From pre-study, to ingesting new information, to making sense of it and remembering it for the long-term, it’s all covered here.

Flashcards & Spaced Repetition

Spaced Repetition and Active Recall are becoming increasingly popular with students. But how effective are they? And what’s the best way to use them in your study practice?

Note-taking, Mind Mapping & Encoding


Learning How to Learn


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10x your learning
Improve your memory and thinking skills with our science-based method
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